Closetgothic is a small family run business which began in 2008. Based in Bay of Plenty, New Zealand and never far from the sea, the studio is in a 120 year old Victorian villa which feels very appropriate for the work being made. My husband and design partner, Denton Perry, has the well earned self-title of 'Chief Steam Setter' (he's the one with the goggles doing the torch soldering).
"I prefer good honest materials and like to incorporate lovely vintage findings into each piece. Gemstones are important in my work, especially those that were popular in Victorian jewellery. Moss agate, amethyst, garnets, rock crystal, onyx, jet, pearls and obsidian are my stones of choice and I like to incorporate handmade drops using vintage cut crystal, pearl and Mother-of-Pearl. The final Closetgothic design outcome is 'Steampunk meets Belle Époque with a dash of Industrial' and that's just where we want to be!"
Closetgothic this is where vintage watch mechanisms transform into intriguing Steampunk and Gothic Revival inspired jewellery. "We've grown. What started as a sideline fascination with making costume jewellery has become a small international business and we ship daily to all points of the international compass. It's marvellous fun, both the designing and the communication with lovely people of so many nationalities."
Official website

Official website